Seasonal trains scheduleSchedule of 2015 fall seasonal trains of Japan Railways Autumn is the best season to travel in Japan. The climate is very mild and fall foliage is amazing. JR will operate ... 2015.08.23Seasonal trains schedule
Seasonal trains scheduleSchedule of 2015 summer seasonal trains of Japan Railways In Japan, the peak period during summer time is mid August that is called "Obon". Most of Japanese go back to hometo... 2015.05.23Seasonal trains schedule
NewsSuspension and schedule change of overnight trains, Hokutosei, Cassiopeia and Hamanasu JR Hokkaido and JR East have just announced that overnight trains that go through Seikan tunnel will be suspended or... 2014.08.23NewsSeasonal trains schedule
Aomori, Shin-Aomori, HirosakiAlternatives of Overnight train Cassiopeia and Hokutosei, in case that you cannot make a reservation. ***Hokutosei was discontinued as scheduled train in 14 March, 2015. Now Hokutosei runs as seasonal train until end... 2011.08.16Aomori, Shin-Aomori, HirosakiHakodate, Shin-Hakodate-HokutoSapporo, New Chitose AirportTokyoUeno
Overnight TrainsOvernight express train Cassiopeia, very popular overnight train between Tokyo and Sapporo *This train was discontinued in March 2016. Cassiopeia is operated between Ueno and Sapporo. This train is like J... 2011.03.11Overnight TrainsSapporo, New Chitose AirportUeno