Limited ExpressInter-city train in Tottori and Shimane. Limited Express Super Matsukaze Limited Express Super Matsukaze (スーパーまつかぜ) is operated between Tottori (鳥取), Yonago (米子) and Masuda (益田). This train... 2012.10.29Limited ExpressMatsue, Izumoshi, YonagoShin-Yamaguchi, Masuda, TsuwanoTottori, Kurayoshi, Hamasaka, Kasumi
Hokkaido AreaHow to get to the Shiretoko peninsula: The access route from Abashiri and Kushiro to Utoro and Rausu The Shiretoko Peninsula is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has rich nature such as the Shiretoko Five Lakes, numerous waterfalls, and see wildlives. This article will show you the access routes to Shiretoko. 2011.01.29Hokkaido AreaLocal LinesPrivate Local Busesside tripTips for Japan Rail PassWorld Heritage