
Kansai (KIX)

Kansai airport to/from Nippombashi, Nagahoribashi, Ebisucho access route. Tengachaya is better location than Namba to change trains.

You may find the best route to Nippombashi, Nagahoribashi, Ebisucho, Sakaisujihommachi, Kitahama from Kansai airport.
Station information

Wakayama and Wakayamashi stations guide. The difference of these stations and which station is more convenient for travelers?

There are two stations in Wakayama. These are JR Wakayama station and Nankai Railway Wakayamashi station. This post explains you these two stations in Wakayama.
Station information

Tengachaya station guide. How to transfer among Nankai Railway and Subway line

Tengachaya is one of the stations on Nankai Railway. However this station is one of the best transfer point of Nankai Railway and Osaka Metro subway. Please find more information about Tengachaya station in this post.
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