
Chubu Area

How to transfer between Nagoya and Osaka/Kyoto by train

Which one is better, Shinkansen (left) or Kintetsu (right) ? If you have to move between Nagoya and Osaka (or Kyoto)...
Atami, Ito, Shimoda, Mishima, Shuzenji

The Tokaido, the Sanyo and the Kyushu Shinkansen (Bullet Train) train ride guide. Most popular train between Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Hakata and Kagoshima.

This Shinkansen ride guide gives you all information about the Shinkansen between Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Hakata, Kumamoto and Kagoshima in this post.
Hakata, Kokura

Sanyo Shinkansen image gallery. Check the interior and accommodations.

Sanyo Shinkansen is operated between Shin-Osaka and Hakata. But Sanyo Shinkansen is connected with Tokaido Shinkanse...
Kyoto, Nara

Tokaido Shinkansen image gallery. Check the interior and accommodations.

We cannot think about the travel in Japan without Shinkansen. Especially Tokaido Shinkansen (Tokyo-Shin Osaka) can b...
Rail pass for visitors

Sanyo Area Pass. Good deal for the tourist who visits Kansai, Hiroshima and Hakata

*This deal will be sold until February 28, 2015 and can be exchanged until May 31, 2015. On March 1, 2015, this deal...
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