
Kanazawa, Toyama, Wakura-Onsen, Fukui

The Limited Express Thunderbird timetable and the train information. The train bound for Kanazawa from Osaka and Kyoto.

The limited express Thunderbird is the primary way to get Kanazawa from Osaka and Kyoto. In this post, I show you the photo of this train, the train guide and the timetable.
Kanazawa, Toyama, Wakura-Onsen, Fukui

The fastest way to get Kanazawa from Tokyo, Limited Express Hakutaka

This train was discontinued on March 13, 2015. Hokuriku Shinkansen took over this train service. You can get Kanazaw...
Kanazawa, Toyama, Wakura-Onsen, Fukui

The limited express Shirasagi timetable and train information. The direct train to Kanazawa from Nagoya.

The limited express Shirasagi connects Nagoya, Mabara, Fukui and Kanazawa. Please find more information about this train in this post.
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